
Sunday, October 2, 2016

3.19 Outtakes, Bloopers, Spot My Sim! and Trapeze Act

Four things in one post! Let's get to it!

Blue Glowy Mariah was the result of my tinkering around with her career level trying to get the in game outfit for psychics to show up. Once the outfit was there I decided I hated it, but left the career. The blue glow is apparently what happens at the top of the real psychic career when the sim is around anyone with the genius trait, good or... something else I forget. lol.
Such a happy pretend psychic. lol

The Trapeze set was a real pain in the arse. And not just because there were 100+ sims on lot. (There are only 93 sims in that room, but I had extras squirreled away when I got carried away. Oops.) That giant hole in the floor in particular gave me grief:

If the game thought the camera was positioned over it the seating would disappear and sims would stop rendering. :/ PITA. lol

Then I accidentally left poor Cooper Starling hanging out in plain sight.

Doing a cannonball through the wall has *got* to hurt!

Then this shot, because it's awesome:

Spot My Sim!
If your sim was in the audience last time, most likely they are in the audience this time. Next time I need a crowd I'll get some new blood in there so others can see their babies hanging around. Sorry to those hoping to glimpse their sims who didn't see them.

1.) Myles Belcher
2.) Dorilys Yat Sen
3.) Claudio Monty
4.) Taylor Mattell
5.) Bashir Viho, Oriana Sleitinn, Lucrecia Sleitinn (So they could have a HAPPY FAMILY OUTING. :'(  .)
6.) Jack Kahekili
7.) Odin Sleitinn
8.) Jack Horner
9.) Mia and Renard Marquel
10.) Ashton Matthews

And the Full Trapeze Act!

My apologies for the weird rope. I'd been playing around and accidentally saved over the original and I was NOT about to go back in to fix it.


Friday, May 20, 2016

3.17 Outtakes

Welcome to Outtakes for Chapter 3.17-Half Answer!

First off, Trick or Treating. I might have fibbed a little when I wrote that Taylor seems to have a little problem with Mariah. Based on what I witnessed, it's the other way around.

For shame Mariah! Actually, I think she's heckling the flock of flamingos on the lawn, but it sure looks like she's disapproving of poor Taylor. lol.

Then there's a shot I *loved.* But there was no way it fit anywhere in story.
It was the result of using the DebugEnabler Look At function that I even got it. Still, how fitting that Mariah is looking the other way even as he's locked on to her.

For a bit of trivia: This chapter originally contained a plot bunny that bogged the first scene down so so so badly.

For those familiar with how Tarot readings work, notice that Christie both shuffled and dealt the cards which makes her the querent. (The questioner. But querent sounds so much more mysterious. lol) Mariah tells her the subject of the reading is pregnant but doesn't know whether she's going to keep it or not. As I've gone in and out of game the past few chapters Christie and Ruben have managed to give me the SP pregnancy pop up about 75% of the time after starting dating. 10% of the other times Ruben is in a relationship with Delphine in which they constantly argue. The final 15%? He's in a relationship with Delphine but has an affair with Christie.

Mariah originally threw out that she knows Christie is pregnant by Ruben, who's in a relationship with Delphine. She then threatened to fire Ruben if Christie didn't come clean to Delphine, but promised to ensure he'd keep his job when she did. There was also a bit about how Ruben was the librarian because he was a worthless Psychic and could be trusted no where else, no matter how pretty Delphine thought he was.

It was fun to play with what was going on in SP in this save, but it didn't fit Mariah's style and was cut out in the end. I also couldn't manage to work out *how* Mariah knew. She might not have any qualms about listening at keyholes, but there are things even she is too scrupulous to stick around to hear. ;)

65000 and Counting!

But who's counting really? ;)

Thank you all for the Sixty-Five Thousand views!

Friday, February 19, 2016

3.15 Bloopers and Spot My Sim!

Welcome to the Chapter 3.15 supplementary section!
I know you're all dying to see where your sim was in the crowds, but bloopers first. Because they're funny!

I'm really not used to posing so many sims at once. At first it was a headache, but I found ways to keep the crowd moving while keeping my sanity. Instead of 'pose, painstakingly place, double check, repeat' I ended up posing all of the sims at once and then checking only what I needed for angles. I mean, who cares if Ashton Matthews manages to shove his hand halfway through Claudio Monty's back? No one will see! And to that end I nearly left this one be.

However, between their expressions I just couldn't. It looks like Jack is seriously feeling Taylor's attempts to reach in and massage his still beating heart. Poor hipster Jack. ;)

The next one was another too good to pass up. I had a stock of 58 crowd poses to cycle through to get the reactions I wanted going on in the crowd depending on what was going on. If the crowd member was most likely to have their back or side to the camera there was a greater chance of the sim getting a slightly less appropriate reacion. However, given this sims character in story, this pose had me rolling.
Who would have ever thought solid Bashir could have such a look on his face. Then again, his wife is playing with fire, so... Poor Bashir. <3

Alright, Spot My Sim!
Again, these photos are unedited when applicable so you can see through effects (like bubbles or fire) or just see where in the crowd your sim figured in. Not all sims appeared in all scenes
1.) Taylor Mattell
2.) Dorilys Yat Sen
3.) Odin Sleitinn

(Sims previously named are in the same place.)
1.) Renard Marquel
2.) Bashir Viho

1.) Ildred Maesson
2.) Jack Horner
3.) Claudio Monty
4.) Mia Marquel
5.) Lucky Viho
6.) Taylor Mattell
7.) Bashir Viho
8.) Jack Kahekili
9.) Renard Marquel
10.) Odin Sleitinn
11.)Dorilys Yat Set

1.) Taylor Mattell
2.) Dorilys Yat Set
3.) Renard Marquel
4.) Mia Marquel

1.) Dorilys Yat Sen
2.) Renard Marquel
3.) Mia Marquel
4.) Claudio Monty
5.) Odin Sleitinn
6.) Bashir Viho

1.) Jack Kahekili
2.) Lucky Viho
3.) Bashir Viho
4.) Ashton Matthews
5.) Claudio Monty

1.) Mia Marquel
2.) Ildred Maesson
3.) Taylor Mattell
4.) Jack Horner
5.) Renard Marquel
And unnumbered because I forgot to get a better shot is Dorilys Yat Sen hiding behind Jack even better than Renard is. However, you can see her there in some of the chapter shots.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Generation 3 house redo!

Yuuuup. It's another house post. It's here so I don't bore the people who figure they'll see it as the story progresses or who could care less. lol. Mariah and I actually fought super hard over this redo. I agreed the house needed a new look. I did not agree that we needed to go to 1988 Avon Saleslady on the house. (reference: My most lovely and adored Aunt Shirley.) Anything else I suggested was shot to hell until we got to the kids stuff. She let me have free rein there.

There was a complete overhaul of the exterior too. It was necessary. That angled entrance screwed with EA routing in ways I couldn't even fathom. Come to think of it, I don't think they could imagine the strange errors and borks it caused either. lol. The old wooden rail fencing is staying. It has a purpose later on. ;)

They have actual garage doors in a garage now, instead of having the barn door that no one could open and having the cars magically pop into the barn. For those keeping tally the current garage was Layla and Ignacio's room.

If you enter through the garage this is your view. Originally the center with the dining table was a seating area. The desk on the right was in what was the way too small dining room.

The old dining room. The bit of roof sticking through the ceiling has been fixed, I was just too lazy to reshoot.

The redone kitchen. Beg pardon for not cleaning out the fridge prior to shooting/redoing the house.

Looking at the front door from the kitchen.

I caved and got Mariah a tv. Helen would kill me.

The way overused Living Room. Yes, the gems are all still glittering on the shelf to the left. And speaking of 'on the left' there used to be the door to the garage over there. Now it's a hallway to get to the Master suite which is where we'll head now.

Just to see this. lol. Uh, it's a lot of nothing. A big open area with future designs but not much use currently. You can't see it, but on the right is the door that leads to a 'utility' room that leads to the laundry room and the staircase to get to the basement dungeon that holds Ignacio's fish. The door directly ahead is Mariah's, the door to the left leads to the newly created yard that didn't used to exist.

As you enter Mariah's room. *coughGAG*cough. lol Don't get me wrong, I love pastel green. I went through that phase as a tween, right before heading for all black all the time, but this is just... Oy. Anyway, I will admit to a love for the bed. I want that bed IRL. In a totally different color, of course.

The other side. WOoo! Exciting. I'm not showing the bathroom because it's just that dull.

Going up the stairs is the same set of doors that were here before. We'll go in the door on the far left first.

Dove's nursery is still just as Layla decorated it. Only the dimensions are different and it's rearranged. Also, ignore the two different window styles. I forgot to change two of them, sue me.

Oh look! Roger is still here because I had just finished shooting when I took this! Or, well, shooting the previous chapter was the last thing that happened before I started the redesign. Anyway, I love this nursery. I'll probably stick a crib in here for baby girl as well.

Coming out of Ceeven's room I turned the balcony required for that damned barn door into a play area for the tots. Dove's child room is Mariah's old room. We'll take a turn left first to see the study area before going in there.

The study area will be changing SINCE I HAVE TO ADD AN EXTRA DESK THANKSVIVIAYOUTOTALLYMESSEDMEUP. I'll also be changing up some of the stuff on the walls. But yeah, there it is for now. Now to Dove's room.

Dove's room. I need to change the bed a little to get the colors to match better, but this is pretty much it. That wall sticking out on the right is a little lavatory.

Other side of Dove's room. The dinosaur by the door was another booboo. He was pulled out and stuck there waiting for his turn to be placed and CASted and I forgots about him. Now he's there to be ironic. lol

For those of you totally confused by that tour, here's the upstairs layout.
Downstairs on the eastern side of the house. (In my head there's a compass, ignore me.) The laundry room is the dark room at the top on the right.
And then the rest of the downstairs minus the garage.

So there you have it. It feels a lot more like generation 3 now with the house changed up and all and I can get behind it to a degree, and that's alright.