
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board

This, officially, is one of my favorite oopsies ever. Really. Just to clarify: I had her posed and when I released her this is what she did. She's never done it before, but there's always a first time for everything.

(Eyes Shut tight) Layla:
Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.
Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.
Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.
Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.
Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.

Open, them slowly. Slowly. Did it work? I don't feel any different.

Nalleli told me this would work. Wonder what I did wrong?

Maybe I didn't say it fast enough. Was I not relaxed enough? Surely not.

Wait a second. My toes aren't touching the ground. My toes aren't touching the ground?

And is that the desk? Wait a second. I didn't do it right, did I? Shit. *Thump!

Like I said. Greatest Oopsie ever. Told it's own story even. If you don't know what 'Light as a feather stiff as a board' is, Here is a link that is mildly helpful. When we did it as teens it was quite different and there were several times we managed to get our friends up on the ceiling. Just don't tell Mommy Dearest. ;)


  1. You bitch.
    I thought this was a chapter!!!

    Funny, though. How did you get her out of it?!

    Also, I'd never heard of that 'light as a feather, stiff as a board' thing. Creepy.

    I guess I kinda loved it, even if it was a trick...

    1. It was an accident that this published this morning. I'm sorry! But the only way I know to take down an already published post is to delete it and I didn't want to do that, so I left it up. Sorry sorry sorry!

    2. Uh... edit>revert to draft.
      at least, that's how pages work. I've never had to revert a chapter.
      S'ok, you posted anyway ;)

      I have to go to bed now. Will reply to any messages you may have sent in the morning/after work.
      I am actually coming straight home from work tomorrow. WOOOO!!! Cannot wait! :) Friiidayyyy! :D

      anyway, niiight! xx

  2. What an awesome blooper! She even posed in that position??

    Light as a feather, stiff as a board...reminds me, the store just released a venue with a dance set called that. And I bought it, ONLY because I wanted the dance bar for Ayala. *sigh*

    1. No, lol. She was posing and when I released her she flopped backwards as though I'd used Tilt and Turn on her, though I hadn't. I don't even remember which pose I had had her in even.

      Really? I'll have to peek at that. I haven't been to the store in a few days.

    2. Dood! It has glass ceilings in that set!
      Waiting for confirmation that they work as roofs/rooves (not this again...), but am doubtful.

      ...Is that what they named the dance set?!
      Apparently, the dance bar doesn't improve the hidden ballet skill that came with GEN. It improves athletic skill. *rolls eyes*

    3. IKR? Isn't that awesome? Wait? It does NOT improve ballet while they preform ballet? Isn't that kind of backwards?

    4. Yes, very backwards. This is EA, are you surprised?!

      Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't have it, and I've not read the thingy on the store site, I only know from the MTS gossip.

    5. See, I went and drooled at the store over it. HA! And I should be surprised by anything illogical EA does anymore, but I am. And that makes me feel dumb. Ha!

      What is that saying 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.' In this instance: 'Fool me for the millionth time and I'm a real idiot.'
