
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Makin' Wind

This isn't a Sixkillers' blooper, it took place in another save. But it's too awesome not to share. In this other save I'd bought the family Bonehilda to save me time while I ran this particular family into the ground (No, this is not my Wishacy. They just also happen to have Bonehilda.) I also had bought this family lots of luxury items which a very bored, skeletal maid decided to take advantage of one day. The results are priceless. Take it away Boney!

If I concentrate on pushing all that wind out of my empty ribcage maybe I, too, can see what all the fuss is about.
*hic! *gasp! I did it!
What are you lookin' at?


  1. Hehe! I really want to play with a bonehilda. I think Aimiee Cahill will have to go supernatural at some point so I can test out what came with the EP... :|

    1. Yes! Go play with Bonehilda and Supes and have loads of fun with their wackiness. So Aimee Cahill will go to Uni and then Go Magic? =D

    2. She has to visit the future first. I'm gunna get her to show me around all the EPs, because right now they're just big stuff packs... :| I think the first stop will be WA, as I've never seen a mummy and that's been out 4 years.

    3. aah! So Aimee Cahill will Go to Uni then Go to the Future! I like your series idea on that!
